The Way of Meditation Blog
Bringing Ancient Wisdom Into The Modern World

Russell's Brand Of Spirituality Is Daily Access To Unseen Realms Of Power

Russell Brand • July 4, 2016

Daily Access to Unseen Realms of Power

What I have discovered is that meditation is useful for me not because I am unique but because I am a human being and meditation is applicable to all human beings and the good thing about that is everyone reading this article is also human.

As people we all need to live spiritual lives and access an infinite consciousness that is available to all people but through the five senses is delineated keeping us trapped on a material plane. We think reality is what can be apportion through the limited instruments of the senses.

Consciousness is an amorphous an infinitely expanding entity but we allow our consciousness to be prohibited by our senses, prescribed by our senses keeping us living in the realm of these five apertures into our reality. But reality is infinite, space is limitless and time is eternal.
Through meditation and yoga we can sever the bonds that chain us to the mundane, to the material plane and we can temporarily at least experience a taste of the infinite power within.

I’m quite an erratic thinker, quite an adrenalized person. But after meditation, I felt this beautiful serenity and selfless connection.

Meditation and yoga are fundamental parts of my life. It can be difficult to find an access to spirituality in today’s society with terrorism, celebrities and violence on the tv. But we are by our nature spiritual beings and if we don’t have access to our spirituality we suffer as individuals and we suffer as a society.

We need to recognise at some point that within ourselves there’s an infinite capacity for connection with all things, an unseen realm of power.

The real heroes are anyone that galvanises people and brings them together and points out the better aspects of our nature and helps us to overcome our negative vibration of greed and fear. Rather than the leaders of today with low vibrational frequency that make us focus on dark stuff.

When I’m meditating and praying about the infinite force of power that brings into being all phenomena and guides all life I ask it to move through me.

Meditation and yoga are not superficial or some sort of luxury they are absolutely integral, an absolute real thing more real than any of us.
The ultimate truth is oneness. This body is a temporary illusion, we temporarily occupy these flesh puppets. The illusion is that we believe so much in our individuality in our ego. On a deeper level all these things are transient. what’s important what is defining are the things we all share love, unity and togetherness.

When I meditated, I felt separateness evaporated, this tremendous sense of oneness.

As long as we have cultural narrative that suppress these ideas in favour of negative human traits like greed, selfishness and fear we will continue to exist in opposition to one another and we will be vulnerable to corporations who prey upon these negative aspects of humanity.

You cannot define yourself in reference to other external co-ordinates, you must define yourself internally with your relationship with a higher entity.

Think of yourself as a manifestation of a higher thing a higher frequency, this body is the visible realisation of that. You know that because you cannot see atoms and you certainly can’t see the forces that hold atoms together but there in the micro quantum world are the answers to everything. We can’t understand that with our logical rational mind but we feel it intuitively. Get yourself in alignment with that stuff and you’ll beam like the sun.

Words by Russell Brand

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