The Way of Meditation Blog
Bringing Ancient Wisdom Into The Modern World

Instant Enlightenment By Realising The Nature Of Your Own Mind

Jackson Peterson • July 10, 2016

The True Nature of Your Mind

Dzogchen Master, Namkhai Norbu introduced the true nature of mind to me in 1985 by pointing out that: “whatever you are experiencing or noticing, that which is the pure “noticing” is the true nature of mind, and it is what is aware and noticing, is always the same unchanging “noticing” within in all experiences.”

Your Aware Nature Is Already A Perfect Buddha

You can’t “become” the changeless mirror as “pure awareness”. Whatever is done in terms of practices, meditation and inner inquiries; will never cause a reflection to become a mirror.

The thought of being “someone” is a reflection. The sense of being a “seeker” is a reflection. No matter what practices or efforts the “someone” as a “seeker” engages in, they can never transform the “seeker” as a reflection into becoming a mirror.
“Since there is only this pure observing, there will be found a lucid clarity without anyone being there who is the observer; only a naked manifest awareness is present. (This awareness) is empty and immaculately pure, not being created by anything whatsoever.” ~ Karma Lingpa

What does happen is a sudden flash and that flash of insight belongs to the wisdom of the mirror, not to the reflection.

The Buddha Mind is primordially perfect and never deviates from its perfect nature at any time.
You are only the mirror. Nothing can affect your nature.

“No matter what circumstances or what worlds we find ourselves in, we are without any expectations or changes. We are just what we are, the Natural State which is like a mirror. It is clear and empty, and yet it reflects everything, all possible existences and all possible lifetimes. But it never changes and it does not depend on anything else.” ~ Bon Lopon Tenzin Namdak

Anyone who has ever realized the true nature of their own mind, discovered the true nature of the mind to be “emptiness”. That means the sentient mind as itself has no fundamental material or substantial essence. Most describe it to be like empty space. But the empty space is not a mere dead voidness, but is pervaded by a cognitive presence or vivid awareness.

It’s the “ empty aware presence ” that defines the true nature of mind. It’s not a thing but all things as appearances arise in it including thoughts, emotions, images, dreams, forms, perceptual colors, sounds, tastes, smells, sensations, and all experiences of every kind.

16th-century Zen master Han-shan says:  “I took a walk. Suddenly I stood still, filled with the realization that I had no body or mind. All I could see was one great illuminating Whole -omnipresent, perfect, lucid, and serene. It was like an all-embracing mirror from which the mountains and rivers of the earth were projected … I felt clear and transparent.”

Enlightenment is The Direct Realisation Of The Nature Of Mind

In the moment of the mind realizing its own true nature, it experiences itself to be a vast and boundless emptiness that pervades all phenomena; for it is the true nature of all phenomena.
There can be a sudden shift where the mind-awareness seeming to be a localized entity, suddenly is the empty, all pervading space in which all things are appearing. In this moment a unique Wisdom arises called “prajna”; the wisdom of Emptiness.

One moment “you” were a reflection looking for the empty clear mirror in which you were appearing, and in the next moment, suddenly you are the clear aware emptiness in which all appearances are appearing. Rest there.

“So, ugly or beautiful, positive or negative conditions, heavens or hells or transmigration do not in any way affect the underlying nature of the consciousness that is the state of the mirror itself.” ~ Namkhai Norbu

You are always a limitless, motionless and timeless Buddha Mind without shape or material substance. Your state is the Natural Bliss of Being when not creating alternative experiences.

From a Dzogchen Tantra on the Nature of Mind

“Seeking to understand me by means of concepts, one finds nothing at all to “see.” So do not make me the object of your view, leave me in the natural conditio n!

As there has never been any separation in the ineffable unborn state, there is no need to observe vows and commitments.

As the fundamental essence is spontaneously perfect from the beginning, there is no use in striving in practice to obtain it.

As self-arising wisdom can never be hindered, there is no use in seeking to make clearer the wisdom of pure presence.

As all is already at my level, there are no levels of realization to cultivate and to tread.

As I pervade all of existence in its entirety, there is no path that can lead to me.

As I always transcend the dualism of subject and object, there is nothing to define as “subtle substance.”

As my form is present in everything, duality has never existed.

As I am primordial self-arising wisdom, there is nobody else who can confirm me.

As I am the essence of universal enlightenment, there is no other secret instruction.”

“Rather, one just settles in the natural state, without forming any concepts concerning appearance and emptiness, certain things that need to be eliminated, the remedies that eliminate them, or anything else. “Natural state,” here, means uncontrived, while “resting” denotes simply letting be in this state, hence the term “resting in the natural state.”

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