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Science Shows How We Can Control Our Gene Expression And Evolve Consciously

Oska Phoenix • November 15, 2019

Epigenetics - The Science Of Human Empowerment  

Every thought you have causes neurochemical changes, some temporary and some lasting. Your thoughts, lifestyle choices and diet contribute to your genetic expression — welcome to the world of epigenetics. This evolved science of genetics teaches us that we are the mavericks of our genetic destiny with the capability to evolve intentionally and consciously. The old belief that we are hostages of our DNA and victims of heredity, couldn't be more false. The aim of this article is to explore and breakdown epigenetics into a simple to understand science.


Epi - means above.  
Epigenetics - means above the genes.

“The term epigenetics, which was coined by Waddington in 1942, was derived from the Greek word 'epigenesis' which originally described the influence of genetic processes on development” ~ Waddington C.H., The epigenotype

What is Epigenetics?

“Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes. It works to see the true potential of the human mind, and the cells in our body.” ~ Bruce Lipton

Epigenetics is a now an established science showing us that we can reprogram our genetic structure by shaping our attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs. 

We can reprogram our genes in ways that empower and propel us into new levels of self-mastery. This is done by sending new information that changes the way cells behave and communicate with each other.

Once we identify the perceptions and out-dated beliefs that limit our gene expression, we can begin to open up to more holistic forms of cellular expression. 

1. The sensory receptors detect thoughts and beliefs
2. Triggering the brain to release chemicals into the body 
3. Signalling off cellular behaviour 
4. Controlling genetic expression

It is important to note that the brain can release chemicals into the body just by thought alone — focused thought can trigger a cascade of chemicals in the body, signaling genes to turn on and off.

What does this mean?

The way you perceive reality is triggering of a cascade of chemical responses in the body that ultimately controls your gene expression.

That's right... the way you define reality on a moment-to-moment basis is modifying and regulating your gene expression.

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Source - Biology of belief
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Pre-Determination Vs Self-Determination

Up until now, we have had a major misunderstanding of how our genes really work; some of us even believe that cancer is hereditary. So if our parents had cancer, then we would most likely be prone to cancer ourselves. This misconception is limiting, leading us to have a victim mentality and be disempowered.

“In New Zealand, there was a study conducted in a town called Dunedin in which a thousand individuals were studied from birth up to their twenties. What they found was that they could identify a genetic mutation, abnormal gene, which did have some relation to the pre-disposition to committee violence. But only if the individual had also been subjected to severe child abuse. In other words, a child with this abnormal gene would no more be likely to be violent than anybody else and, in fact, they actually had a lower rate of violence than people with normal genes. As long as they were not abused as children.”—James Gilligan (Extracted text from Zeitgeist moving forward) 

What does this mean?

It implies that even if you have certain genes that were genetically inherited from your parents, it doesn't mean that they will turn on.


Epigenetics is a revolution in our understanding of how life really works, from the micro level of our cells to the macro level our lives. Opening up those who understand it to new levels of human empowerment and the ability to consciously evolve.

You are the master of your DNA; you can change your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs at any given moment! You have the power to control your biology! Bruce Lipton calls this new scientific frontier the "biology of belief"

How does it work?

If you consider a DNA sequence as the text of an instruction manual — the information package that explains how to make a human body. Epigenetics is the science of your mind going through this manual with different coloured markers, highlighting which information to express and which information gets discarded.

So why do some people express healthy bodies and others express disease?

Answer: It's like using different coloured markers to highlight certian passages. Your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions will highlight which information is important, giving every cell in your body direct access to the most relevant information to express. 

“For example, someone might use a pink highlighter to mark parts of the text that need to be read the most carefully, and a blue highlighter to mark parts that aren't as important.” 

SOURCE - Biology of belief 

The Power Of Consciousness

Through the science of Epigenetics, we now know that we are not doomed by our genetic inheritance. A change in human consciousness can produce a direct change in our gene expression. We have the power to influence our genetic destiny by turning on genes we want and turning off genes we don’t want through a variety of different factors, some of which are:

Meditation: Learning to control your attention and calm your mind

Lifestyle: Exercise or active lifestyle VS being overly sedentary
Diet: Healthy diet and detox VS chemically processed diet and toxins 

Perception: Optimistic VS pessimistic (emotional and mental diet)

“Think of the human life span as a very long movie. The cells would be the actors and actresses, essential units that make up the movie. DNA, in turn, would be the script—instructions for all the participants of the movie to perform their roles. Subsequently, the DNA sequence would be the words on the script, and certain blocks of these words that instruct key actions or events to take place would be the genes. The concept of genetics would be like screen-writing. Follow the analogy so far? Good. The concept of epigenetics, then, would be like directing. The script can be the same, but the director can choose to eliminate certain scenes or dialogue, altering the movie for better or worse.”  - Extracted from - 

• You have the power to control your genetic destiny. 
• Every moment you are reengineering your gene expression.
• Your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions, pre-determine your genetic destiny.
• Over-active stress hormones change the way genes are expressed, causing illness or disease.

“When we think our thoughts and feel our feelings, our bodies respond in a complex formula of biological shifts and alterations.” ~ Joe Dispenza 

• Diet
• Thoughts
• Perceptions
• Feelings
• Lifestyle 
• Relationships
• Sleeping patterns 
• Exercise 


“How we perceive reality and interpret the data we receive from our senses as factual information—whether that information is actually true or not—and the meaning we give it produces significant biological changes on a genetic level. Thus our genes interact with our conscious awareness in complex relationships. We could say that meaning is continually affecting the neural structures that influence who we are on the microscopic level which then influence who we are on a macroscopic level.” ~ Joe Dispenza 

Please take a moment to absorb the above information.

All of these factors can eventually cause chemical modifications around cellular structures; turning genes on or off over time. Additionally, in certain diseases, various genes will be either up-regulated “on” or down-regulated “off”.

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Source - Biology of belief
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The Healing Revoltuion 

How we perceive our environment and process reality on a moment-to-moment basis is changing the internal chemistry in our bodies. It's like two identical computers (twins) downloading completely different software (apps) that then changes their functionality and operation.

Scanning your life to be threatening (anxious) or constantly dwelling on some worst-case scenario, will trigger of a cascade of stress hormone in the body.

Your brain doesn't know the difference between a focused thought or a real-life experience — if you’re sitting there dwelling on some anxious/stressful outcome, then your body will trigger of stress hormones as if the thought was real.

In fact, what we mentally rehearse every day and the emotional diet we feed our body daily, determines our genetic expression.

Your mind is the commander, and the cells are the soldiers. Cells are waiting for signals from the commander on how to behave. If the commander tells the cells to be strong, resilient and positive, then they will; if the commander tells the cells to be afraid, fearful or anxious, then they will. Ultimately, this will dictate the fate of the cells and gene expression.

Conventional medicine has taught and programmed us to believe that healing is a concept done through external means. 

When we receive a diagnosis from a medical practitioner who will, in turn, prescribe us medicine in some sort of form, which we anticipate will make us feel better (heal).

This is a very limiting belief system on the body’s independent capacity to heal from disease, creating a very dependent relationship in an industry that doesn’t entirely have our best interests at heart. 

However, mainstream medicine does have its place. 

Modern day medicine does an excellent job of healing but the point here is that the human body is very powerful system at self-healing and epigenetics is the gateway for you to reconnect with that mysterious power that lies within. 

When it comes down to chronic pain, mainstream medicine generally only provides a temporary fix and struggles to understand or heal the underlying issue; especially when we consider the subtle forms of energy within the body.

• Quantum physics (Mind and Body are connected)
• Epigenetics 
• Emotional Diet
• Stress levels (How it affects the body’s field of energy)
• Meditation (Deep breathing/pranayama)
• Herbalism 
• Detox 
• Fasting
• Energy healing 

"It is common to associate doctors with healing, so unless the doctor tells us otherwise, we generally accept any ill-fate prescribed to us as factual."


Often psychological issues or mental conditions are treated with anti-depressants or anti-anxiety pills. These substances of “healing” tamper with the natural production of chemicals within the body, which really only disguises the underlying issue, which in turn create a dependency based relationship with the substance.

Poor emotional states are a reflection of some deeper issue that needs more attention than a pill-based medication. You can’t put a band-aid on an infection and expect it to get better; it requires a little bit more attention from a different angle. 

In the long run, sustained use of medicinal candy will cause a chemical imbalance, and the substance/pill will be associated with a counterfeit sense of happiness, which is often short lived and can lead to further altercations down the track. 

• The Body produces over 100,000 proteins plus 40,000 regulatory proteins needed to make other proteins
• The human body has 37 trillion cells and 23,688 genes
• Genes work in systematic cooperation with each other to make proteins
• Each gene can be expressed in thousands of different ways
• Proteins control our immune system, digest our food, heal our wounds and support/maintain the day-to-day operations of our bodies
• Humans only express around 1.5 % of their DNA while the other 98.5 % is classified to be “junk DNA.” (It's not actually junk—they just don’t know how all that DNA is used yet)
• The human body is a protein making machine: Muscle cells make actin and myosin; skin cells make collagen and elastin; immune cells make antibodies; thyroid cells make thyroxine; bone marrow cells make haemoglobin; pancreatic cells make enzymes like protease, lipase, and amylase

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Stress Is Dangerous

How does stress effect gene expression?

Stress is one of the major causes of epigenetic changes in the body — knocking your body out-of-balance. Stress hormones produce unsettled energy in the body, which can accumulate over time, leaving our cells vulnerable to absorb this negative energy.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as we have outlets of expression to discharge the stressful energy:
- Meditation 
- Exercise 
- Yoga

Stress can upgrade the integrity of our cells or it can breakdown our cells.

Think of stress as an opportunity to enhance one's life if you take the right steps! When the body triggers the production of stress hormones, the body’s physiology changes either sending you down a spiral of poor health or upwards to new heights of well-being.

A fast paced lifestyle combined with the amount of information we process daily puts the body through various degrees of stress. If you feel overwhelmed by the stress in your daily life, regaining balance may be as simple as bringing your awareness back to your breath (meditation).

Breath awareness and deep breathing will slowly trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, which acts as a brake on the production of stress hormones. Listen to one of our StressFit meditations today to bring your body back into homeostasis (balance).

Take a moment to consider all the stress affecting your life and wonder how different your life could be if you had a bullet-proof mind, unaffected by the world out there: 

• Relationships
• Physical appearance 
• Dealing with different personalities 
• Running late to a meeting
• Traffic Jam
• Failed internet connection
• Loud noises 
• Work/deadlines/presentations
• Financial status 

(Just to name a few)

The overactivity of stress hormones in the body; mobilises unsettled energy that can influence our gene expression. Unsettled energy can be disruptive to our bodies natural chemical order, thus shifting our state-of-balance. It is essential to have an outlet of expression to discharge this unsettled energy.

The fight or flight response triggers the production of stress hormones that enables a massive amount of energy to ensure our survival. 

In fact overactive stress hormone production wrecks havoc on our body and at a cellular level, our body is not designed to handle the constant bombardment of stress hormones. 

Over time, this will cause dysfunctional signals in cellular communication, and the outcome of this is genetic mutation — disease or illness. There are a variety of factors that one can be prone to keeping our body in a constant state of stress or survival mode, and this is what we call living in the 21st century. 

There are ways to stop the dysfunctional signals, reprogram the gene expression and master your biology. I have created an online course on mastering your biology with epigenetics to help empower people to heal and evolve consciously. 

Written by Oska Phoenix

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