The Way of Meditation Blog
Bringing Ancient Wisdom Into The Modern World

How To Heal The World

Dino Delano • May 16, 2019

In A World Under Threat

In a world under threat we need someone to Fry, to blame, to judge, to hang from the rafter………we want payment. But how do we heal?

When in a state of fear, fight or flight………..a very simple understanding that almost none understand. When we are in a state of fear real or imagined to varying degrees we go into fight or flight mode. We are on alert, the critical mind put on hold to a large degree, we are on an emotional mode….ready to emote.

The media has the world under threat of disease, robbery and murder, loss of face, war, income, the list is huge, so how do we heal ourselves? MOST do not and will not get in touch with this understanding that most of their fears are created, by their own imaginations, what they read and indulge them self in on a daily basis. Their belief now becomes GOLD the right and only way….. the vegetarian now thinks non-vegetarians are a threat, the religious believe the non-religious are a threat. The supporter of war feels the pacifist is a threat to patriotism and so ON it goes. Each attacking the other as if the other is the source of the threat.
You have what we have at the present time varying levels of imagined Threat. It becomes unconscious with some its minor, with others its everything is a threat. They even have breast removed to Possibly escape breast cancer. ……. Natural child birth becomes a threat and many are going for caesarean section.

The fear response is FIGHT…… so we start attacking what we believe is the opposite to what we think and believe is the RIGHT way. And thus have a world of fear, stress, hatred, attack and the like…… in fact a world similar to what we do have.

Attacking what we feel is the source will not work, its like the war on drugs and so many other emotional responses based on our sense of personal feelings of threat to body and being or to our personal belief systems.

The way to resolve the threat is AWARENESS. Awareness expands when we stop blaming pointing fingers and discover that the threat and fear exist within us and we are projecting it onto the world….. and the world now reflects it back, just as it is currently doing.

The world is but a reflection of our current personal and collective beliefs.

Undoing the world. Over a period of time meditation will undue this conditioned automatic response of fight or flight by expanding awareness. Body work and movement will get you in ouch that the threat is within and the fears are not to be feared. The fears accepted allows us to use a broader expanse of awareness to discover the source of the threat. We grow in common sense and in that sense enlightenment.

Enlightenment or expanded awareness is not a given it is earned through personal insight.
Original article @ Cool Zen Healing

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