The Way of Meditation Blog
Bringing Ancient Wisdom Into The Modern World

Why We Are Living In An Amazing Time in History

Laren Grey • May 16, 2019

An Amazing Time In History

Getting older doesn’t always mean getting wiser, sometime people get jadded and negative. We all need to keep the awe in our lives, the sense of hope a long side a sense of mystery and wonder.

It is absolutely an amazing time in history, it is also a difficult time in history, but there are great technological advancements, but we need to match the technology with evolving our intelligence and kindness as well.

Here are some inspirations to bring back that sense of wonder, awe and mystery.

We live in an amazing time in history. Here are a few things to consider about the time we presently live in:
  1. We can instantly communicate around the world through type, audio, or video in real time.
  2. We have virtually unlimited information available at our fingertips; the equivalent of a million libraries.
  3. Our governments are being exposed.
  4. We can quickly learn almost any skill with access to teachers and tutorials online. For example, you can learn to fix a broken table leg or cook an amazing omelet or learn a language fluently without having to go through an immersed apprenticeship. In the past one had to go to great lengths to learn to cook and other skills.
  5. We can interact with people of all nationalities and backgrounds. This expands our pool of knowledge and gives access to wisdom different from our own, which can exponentially expand our own knowledge and wisdom.
  6. In the past we only heard stories or saw pictures of our deceased relatives. We are now entering an age where we can watch video of how whole past generations lived.
  7. Alternative foods, building methods, energy sources, and ideas are available to us.
  8. Through a greater understanding of nutrition and exercise, people have the opportunity to be fitter and healthier than people in the recent past.
  9. The old restricting beliefs and standards of society are dying a slow death. This will allow the species to move forward.
  10. You can watch a nature documentary on HD TV and see a cheetah take down a gazelle. 100 years ago people only heard stories and some saw an illustration in a book of these far away mysterious creatures. Very few people ever witnessed something like this, now it is seen by millions.
  11. You can now learn far more at home than you ever could at a university. Autodidaction.
  12. We send spaceships throughout the solar system.
  13. Science has now proven that reality isn’t reality.
  14. We are on the verge of discovering life on other worlds. It has already been proven mathematically.
  15. We have a deeper understanding of nature.
  16. There’s a “spiritual” consciousness awakening happening around the globe that contrasts centuries of religious and political oppression.
  17. You have access to alternatives to the proposed status quo. You have access to alternatives to the proposed status quo. Again, you have access to alternatives to the proposed status quo.
Now what are we going to do with all of this information, capability, and potential?

You see, it turns out that it is actually YOU who is steering the ship.

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