The Way of Meditation Blog
Bringing Ancient Wisdom Into The Modern World

12 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

Oska Phoenix • February 21, 2020
Your “vibration”, universal life energy or higher self-frequency is in the simplest terms your state of being. Everything is made up of light energy and everything emits its’ own unique vibrational energy.

Like attracts like - so the personal energy signature you vibrate with influences the experiences, people, and situations you attract in your life.
Raising your vibration leads to your experiencing higher fields of energy and intelligence. In this way, raising your vibration is crucial to your wellbeing.

I don't know about you but personally I find my energy at times to feel “scattered”, totally out-of-alignment with my inner presence and the Now moment. And it’s all thanks work, modern day stresses and my attachment to my phone. 

I feel I lack motivation at times and find myself consumed in my thoughts. Until I snap myself out of it and remember that I have some awesome bio-hacks to snap me back into my “zone” of self-development - feeling great and living in a state of creative joy.

Here are 12 great ways to raise your vibration when you feel scattered or need to get back in the zone.

1. Practice Gratitude

Taking a few moments to practice gratitude magnifies positive emotions. 

When we take time to express gratitude for our blessings, we allow ourselves to appreciate the value of something, and when we appreciate the value of something, we indulge more benefits from it; we’re less likely to take it for granted.

2. Eat Raw Organic Vegetables

Raw vegetables are fully of energy through photosynthesis. When we eat raw foods, we absorb the energy from the sun which helps the body refuel and recharge. Shayna Komar, a licensed and registered dietitian a says "...incorporating raw foods, specifically vegetables and fruits, into your diet can have numerous health benefits. You will likely have more energy, better skin, improved digestion and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease once you get used to eating raw food,” 

3. Take Cold Showers

Cold water increases the body’s metabolism because it has to work harder to maintain a stable temperature. Cold showers create a sense of invigoration and alertness, which may prompt a person to be more physically active. Some benefits Wim Hoff says taking cold showers can produce are "...reduced stress levels, higher level of alertness, more robust immune response and increased willpower."

4. Sun Gazing

Gazing in the morning or evening sun rays when they are light and easy to absorb is great way to raise the bodies vibrations.  

Absorbing the sun’s energy through your eye stimulates the Pineal Gland as the sun’s energy moves through the eyes and charges the hypothalamus tract, which is the pathway to the rear of the retina leading to the brain. In addition, sun gazing boosts production of serotonin and melatonin (the feel-good hormones). Lastly this ancient practice helps relieve stress and anxiety from the body.

5. Grounding

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means that skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or a conductive surface that is in contact with the earth. According to emerging research grounding helps increase energy in the body, improve sleeping patterns, normalize blood pressure and blood flow, just to name a few.

6. Fasting

Most types of fasts are performed over 24–72 hours. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, ranging from a few hours to a few days at a time. Fasting has been shown to have many health benefits, from increased weight loss to better brain function. Fasting can be a very spiritual experience and help liberate unsettled energy from the body when combined with meditation.

7. Meditation

Meditation helps calm your nervous system, improves your mood, and brings about greater feelings of peace—all high-vibe qualities that will benefit your state of being. Mindfulness and loving kindness are highly therapeutic too which helps to heal from trauma and put you back in touch with your naturally high vibration of consciousness. 

Meditation helps to raise your vibration level fast by consciously letting go of the lower states of vibration which are holding you back like impatience, anger and fear. By being in the now you free yourself from the past so you can achieve your highest states of vibration in the present.

8. Breathwork

Breathwork appears to send a signal to the brain to adjust the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system, which can slow heart rate and digestion and promote feelings of calm. Consciously, controlling your breathing, has been shown to reduce stress, increase alertness and boost your immune system. Ancient yogis used breathwork to control the energy, resulting in improved vitality.

9. Clean Your Space

Cleaning can be an outlet for energy and negative emotions too. De-cluttering your space provides you with a cleaner environment, more comfortable atmosphere, promoting a more relaxed vibe.

Setting up an area for your meditation and breathwork practice is great idea for you to feel more motivated to practice daily.

10. Exercise

Exercise has been known to be a great antidote to fight off stress and many health condones. It really is a cure for nearly everything in life. Exercise releases endorphins, dopamine and many other chemicals to fight stress. After a good session, the energy in the body is flowing, promoting feel good vibes, you can share with the world.

11. Chanting The Mantra OM

The mantra Om is considered to be one of the most important sounds in all the universe and has been chanted for thousands of years. This ancient practice is more than a powerful sound, the sound changes our vibration, becoming calmer and more peaceful so we can receive, positive energy. Chanting gives us clarity so we can change our patterns of thought. It also helps to release toxins and removing negative feelings and increasing our vibration.

12. Consuming High-Vibe Music/Podcasts

Listen to music that is of high vibration and leaves you feeling uplifted rather than depleted. Have a break from social media and listen to an uplifting podcast. Be as selective about your media intake as you are about the quality of the food you eat, and you will find newfound energy in your day.

My Morning Routine

- Breathwork (soon as I wake up)
- Meditation/Chanting (20 mins)
- Cold shower 
- Fasting (until lunchtime)

This regime really helps kick start my energy and keeps my vibe high and vibrant for the day.


In addition to a good meditation practice, surround yourself with people who lift you up, rather than bring you down. Spend time only with people who make you feel good about yourself, people who believe in you, support you, and are interested in resonating at a high frequency just like you are. And be open to trying new things that help raise your vibe. As Dr. Joe Dispenza beautifully puts it; If you really want to create a new personal reality then you need to change your personality - your energy being at the core of your personality. So, give the above practices a try and raise your vibe and walk into your new reality feeling radiant.

Written By Oska Phoenix

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